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  • Stephanie Cohen, cohead of Goldman’s consumer and wealth group, is the only woman heading one of the bank’s primary business divisions.
  • She is a key architect of the bank’s ambitious consumer strategy, which involves partnerships with high-profile consumer brands.
  • Insiders told us what’s at stake for her growing group, and what it could mean for Cohen’s future.

When Adena Friedman, the CEO of Nasdaq, hosted a dozen executives for dinner at her home in June 2018, it marked the first encounter for one of Wall Street’s most senior women and another up-and-comer.

Stephanie Cohen, then a chief strategy officer at Goldman Sachs, impressed Friedman with her penchant for bringing multiple perspectives to bear on a conversation.

“She’s witty and funny. She’s incredibly smart. And she’s what I call a three-dimensional thinker,” Friedman told Insider. “So it’s just a lot of fun.”

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